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    Is our network vulnerable?
    Are we breached?
    Is our security

    Do you know what systems are vulnerable to attack? Do you have solutions in place to detect intruders on your network? Do you know if your organization’s security program is optimized to combat the most common cyber threats we are faced with today? Get the answers to these burning questions in this one simple toolkit.

    Register to the right to access these great videos:

    7 Tips to Build an Adaptive Security Program

    Prevention vs Detection, Rebalancing your Security Program

    Security Metrics: How Are you Measuring Up?

    After a year of highly publicized cyber-attacks, many organizations have placed new or heightened emphasis on their security programs and investments. But how can you tell if you're getting a return on those investments or making any progress if you don't know where you stand today or where you plan to go?

    In this whiteboard Wednesday we will talk about the two major types of security products out there, preventative security products, and detection products.

    The threat landscape is ever-evolving, and adversaries are often faster than the defenders trying to protect against attacks. Watch this webcast to learn how to develop an adaptive security program to combat today's threats.