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  • Act at the moment of impact

    Vulnerability management software that acts at the moment of impact

    It’s a race. You against the vulnerabilities living in your network. Learn how to live in the now just during a scanning window. Using Nexpose, your vulnerability management program has fresh data, granular risk scores, and knowledge of what attackers look for, so you can act as change happens. Whether using Nexpose Adaptive Security or Rapid7 Agents (Beta) you have the data you need to assess risk as they happen.

    Analytics that think like an attackerVulnerability management analytics that think like an attacker

    Vulnerabilities are not all equal, and they shift depending on the unique aspects of your always changing network. Understanding which vulnerability is most threatening requires access to fresh data and more than a list of old scan alerts with CVSS scores. With decades of security knowledge, our vulnerability management software asks and answers the right questions for you, no data degree required. The result 

    See your exposure with Liveboards

    Nexpose transforms your vulnerability management data into detailed visualizations so 
    you can focus resources and easily share each action with security, IT, compliance, and the C-Suite.

    Become best friends with IT, boost productivity

    The 'toss and run' mentality of manual remediation has failed. Throwing stale alerts over the wall to IT and hoping things get done is ineffective and leads to friction between teams and no improvement to security. 

    Nexpose Remediation Workflow (Beta) makes IT your best friend by converting vulnerability data into prioritized tasks and context including what needs to be fixed, by when, and why. Plus, it allows you to track and measure this work together in Nexpose or your ticketing solution. Finally a vulnerability management tool that helps bridge the gap between security and IT teams.

    Have more questions about Nexpose Now?

    Contact your Customer Success Manager for more details. We will be happy to dive deeper into Nexpose Now capabilities and use cases!

    An Intro to Nexpose Now

    Real-time dashboards, remediation projects, and agents explained

    Chris Godoy

    Customer Success Engineer