[Panel] Predict the (somewhat) Unpredictable: Cyber security tips for 2021

October 27, 2020 at 10 AM ET / 3 PM BST

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The threat landscape continues to evolve and adapt, requiring organizations to have a high level of security visibility. However, when security teams, managers, and leaders have limited time and budget, prioritizing investments to achieve the greatest impact and reduction in risk becomes even more critical.

Layering in the anomaly year we’ve been having, budgets, time and prioritization become even more important to help focus the team's efforts to have the largest impact on their organizations security posture. Which in theory sounds great, but where does one start?

To help answer these questions, we rallied a team of experts to dive into these challenging topics, and provide you with actionable takeaways to help you focus your time, energy and budgets as you head into 2021. Tune in to hear more about:

  • The 2021 threat landscape and ongoing attack vectors Rapid7 has been researching
  • Best practices and recommendations for building a more secure organization (and how to do this on a tight budget)
  • Solutions and strategies you should consider for 2021 and beyond

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Meaghan Donlon

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Meg Donlon is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for InsightIDR. Meg works closely with customers, security pros, and teams within Rapid7 to understand the threat detection market and industry trends.

Jeremiah Dewey

VP, Managed Services

Jeremiah leads Rapid7’s Managed Detection and Response service. He has been with Rapid7 for almost four years, having led the company's Incident Response practice before taking on his current role.

Wade Woolwine

Principal Threat Intelligence Researcher

Principal Security Researcher, focuses on threat intelligence and security program maturity and effectiveness.