Escape the Questionnaire Quagmire: A thoughtful approach to addressing security inquiries from customers and prospects

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Wednesday, June 19th @ 12:00 - 2:00pm EST | McCormick & Schmick’s

Effective third-party security risk management requires collecting a significant amount of information from vendors. That information gathering process often starts with the customer sending the vendor a lengthy infosec questionnaire. Katie’s team was on the receiving end of those questionnaires, and the significant time and effort required to complete them slowed her team’s progress on important security projects. To address this problem, the team created documentation and a new process that lessened their workload, reduced sales cycle friction, and gave customers increased visibility into Rapid7's security program. Katie will share her approach, the lessons she learned along the way, and the metrics she used to measure success, ensuring you leave this session ready to apply these strategies at your organization.

Event Details

Date/Time:  Wednesday, June 19th @ 12:00 - 2:00pm EST

Location: McCormick & Schmick’s

Address: 145 National Plaza Harborside National Harbor, MD 20745

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